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Serus : Doctor Quant Shower Head Softener

Doctor Quant"Doctor Quant" Is Your Personal Home Doctor

Bathroom Shower Head Water Softener Filters - Magnetic Water Softener Laser Shower Head Filter

Signs of hard water: If you've noticed any of these signs when washing dishes, doing laundry, or showering, then you may have hard water.

Is there excessive lime and chalk buildup on the walls of sinks and showers in your home?
Are your white clothes dingy or are your colours fading unusually fast?
Does your water taste or smell wrong?
Do your skin and hair feel dry or itchy after a shower?
Do you have low water pressure?
Do your appliances break quicker than they should?
Do your dishes have watermarks and residue on them when they dry?

Buy Now
Phone: +7 903 254-44-76

If you are experiencing any of these issues or concerns, a Docter Quant Shower Headwater softener is right for you

Major Benefits Of Doctor Quant Shower Head Softener

Effects of soft water on skin: Because soft water contains fewer minerals, your skin picks up and holds moisture easier. While bathing or showering in hard water can have an adverse effect on your skin. The minerals in hard water remove the skin’s natural oils, which can dry out your skin and, for some, result in itchy, irritated skin.

Effects of soft water on hair:  Soft water can help balance your hair’s pH level, while hard water can cause your hair to feel dry, brittle, and frizzy. It can also dull your hair colour.

The device is intended for use as therapeutic prophylactic quantum physiotherapy. 
Annotation of the invention The quantum shower device for bio-resonance magnetic therapy is a unique development of a group of Russian scientists under the leadership of Serus LLC Russia, based on the achievements of quantum physics and energy information technologies. The device includes a bio-active magnetic system consisting of polygraphic, multipolar, rare-earth magnets, in combination with crystals of rhinestone and amber. 

Manufacturing technology The "Quantum Magnetic Resonance Soul" is patented and absorbed numerous of the most advanced technological solutions of the space and defence industries are carried out at the Russian equipment with the use of Russian production materials. 

Achievable effect
Filling the water balance of body cells
Moisturizing the skin 
Normalizes and strengthens the immune system. 
Burns excess fat 
Stimulates the excretion of toxins and toxins from the human body 
Has a cleansing effect on the endocrine and circulatory system, improves blood circulation in arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. 
Improves the intercellular circulation of fluid, destroys large fat formations contributes weight reduction. 
Improves eyesight, restores growth and natural hair pigment. 
Accelerates healing and recovery after illness.
Improves cerebral circulation, activates the nervous system, harmonizes the functioning of both hemispheres of the brain, improves memory, develops creative abilities. 

Contact Us For Latest Price
Phone: +7 903 254-44-76
The device is installed: 
• In the bathroom for the shower screwed to the shower hose. 
• Does not require maintenance, expensive preventive control, and does not consume electricity. 
“Human health is in harmony with the inner and the outside world” 

About the device Quantum Magnetic - Amber Shower Doctor Quant is a unique physiotherapeutic device that combines many therapeutic factors. The device contains a bio-resonant magnetic system consisting of multi-polar poly-graphic magnets in combination with the monochromatic visible spectrum of high-intensity LED emitters. Doctor Quant is an energy expert and a device that creates light, structured, negatively charged water. You bathe in mild, oxygen-rich water with pronounced healing properties. 

Why Nano Water Filter System is Better Than Other Company?

# ZERO Maintenance # NO Electricity Required
# 10 YEAR Guarantee #Self Cleaning Filter # EASY To Clean Filter Without Any Help # Protect Disease 
# Good Health # High Energy Level
# Good Taste  # Better Smell 
# Scale Prevention # Silver NanoParticles Water Technology

GREEN — (490-530 nm) It is a harmonizing colour. Eliminates arousal, anxiety, relieve emotional stress. It has a hypnotic effect. It stabilizes emotions, relieves spasms of vessels. Improves microcirculation. Affects the cardiovascular and vegetative nervous system. Improves microcirculation. Relieves arterial pressure. 
BLUE COLOR - (265-420 nm) It has antibacterial properties, helps fight infections, fevers, is effective for throat diseases, spasms, headaches, palpitations, intestinal upset, rheumatism, a large therapeutic effect has been observed in patients with cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders substances (including diabetes mellitus), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the thyroid gland, endocrine diseases. The most effective wavelengths are 435 nm and 450 nm (bactericidal action, haemoglobin activation, the conversion of bilirubin into a water-soluble formula). 
RED COLOR— (650-750 nm) It is a stimulating and harmonizing effect on the nervous system. Accelerates the pace of mindfulness, stimulates the immune system. It has been shown that it is effective in the field of the respiratory tract. It supports the spirits, helps to preserve beauty and health.

Nano filter Solution provides Clean filtered water with the help of nanotechnology. Our company is Bulk Supplier of Self-Cleaning Water Filter System.

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