Nanotechnology water treatment in animal livestock production

Nanotechnology water treatment in animal livestock production

When using activated water in animals the body resistance increases, they become less sick day by day of use until fully healthy. The need for antibiotics reduces. The growth and weight of animals significantly increase, the quality of meat and milk improves.

The magnetic amber liquid water structurer converter creates light molecular water that easily penetrates into the cells of animals, plants and humans which contributes to the rapid growth.

It is Highly recommended for use in Agricultural production.

For energy information purification of water in the device is a bioactive system consisting of rare earth, poly gradient multipolar magnets, in contribution with rhinestone and amber.

The crystals located between the magnets transfer water accumulated in them for millions of years, hyperfine fields and energy which are amplified by magnets located around the crystals.

This magnetic system structures and revitalizes water which as shown by numerous clinical trials has a pronounced restorative therapeutic and stimulating effect on the cellular level.

Biological cleaning allows removing all harmful substances such as lead, copper, heavy metals, bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, parasites, residues from antibiotics and pesticides.

The simple and reliable method gives us really useful water that can quench the thirst of every cell and every nucleus of the cell basically and living organism.

Water is the most important nutrient for livestock production and is needed for many processes, such as the regulation of body temperature, growth, digestion, reproduction, metabolism, lubrication of joints, excretion, eyesight and more. 

Water is also the best solvent for amino acids, minerals, glucose, vitamins, and all feed their intake.

Water requirements are influenced by a number of factors, including gestation, lactation, rate and composition of gain, type of diet, activity, environmental temperature, and feed intake. The intake of water from feeds plus the ad libitum consumption of free water is the equivalent of the water requirements in livestock. 

The water provided to livestock needs to be of good quality to maintain production. Water quality may be altered by contaminants, such as mineral salts, toxins, heavy metals, microbial loads, debris, and agricultural practices. Most contaminants will reduce water intake, which results in a reduction in feed intake and a loss of production. However, if the water or feed contains increased salt, water intake will increase as the animal attempts to eliminate the excess sodium. TDS is measured to determine the saltiness of the water.

Our filters will purify the water and the water structurer will make the correct water molecule formulation this way the animal maximizes their growth and health for the best production of meat and milk.

Treating Livestock Water Filter With Nano Water Filter Solutionanimal wastewater treatment solutionLivestock Water Treatment system priceWater quality for livestock , Animal farm wastewater treatment system

Self Cleaning Nano Water Filter | Purifier |    Filtration |   Treatment System - No Electricity - No Chemicals - No Cartridge   
Water Filter Capacity of 1000 Liter Per Hour to 300000 Liters Per Hour

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Phone: + 7-977-807-0973

# ZERO Maintenance # NO Electricity Required
# 10 YEAR Guarantee #Self Cleaning Filter 
# EASY To Clean Filter Without Any Help # Protect Disease 
# Good Health # High Energy Level
# Good Taste # Better Smell 
# Scale Prevention # Silver NanoParticles Technology

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