Water Filter Capacity of 1000 LPH to 300000 LPH
✔Non-Electric Water Purifier ✔Zero Maintenance ✔Anti Scaling Pipe Protection ✔Protect Pipes & Boilers Corrosion ✔Hard Water Softener ✔Removes Bacteria & Most Viruses ✔Remove Iron & Sediments ✔Remove Suspended Solids ✔Provides Clean & Reusable Water ✔Protect Environment ✔Remove Solvents and Microbial contaminants
Industrial water is used for fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or transporting a product. Water is also used by smelting facilities, petroleum refineries, and industries producing chemical products, food, and paper products. Depending upon the mode of discharge of the waste, and the nature of the constituents present in it, the treatment may consist of any one or more of the following processes: equalization, neutralization, physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment
Common Water Contaminants:
Microorganisms. Bacteria, algae and fungi all regularly interfere with sterile research applications.
Dissolved Inorganic Ions
Dissolved Organic Compounds
Dissolved Gases
Suspended Particles
Colloidal Particles

Contact Us For Latest Price Of Water Treatment Device Use in Domestic, Agriculture, Livestock, Commercial & Industrial Sector Phone:+7 903 254-44-76
Industrial water demand includes the amount of water used for manufacturing and production of commodities, including chemical, food, paper, wood, and metal production. Industrial water comes from self-supplied (e.g., private wells or reservoirs) surface and groundwater
Magnetized Structured Water Device with Nano Silver provides a wide range of benefits for Industries.
Cheaper Method - Water is softened also with the help of reverse osmosis membrane filters, conducting its deep desalination. However, this method is less common because of the high cost of reverse-osmosis installations and the limited resource of their operation. Magnetic treatment of water is devoid of the above disadvantages and is effective in the treatment of calcium-carbonate waters.
Application - The fields of application of magnetic water treatment in heat power engineering cover steam boilers, heat exchangers, boilers, compressor equipment, engine and generator cooling systems, steam generators, hot and cold water supply networks, centralized heating systems, pipelines and other heat exchange equipment.
✔ Remove Iron & Sediments ✔ Remove Suspended Solids ✔ Remove Lead ✔ Remove Copper ✔ Remove Nitrate ✔ Protect Pipes & Boilers Corrosion ✔ Remove Fluoride
✔ Remove Selenium ✔ Remove Manganese
✔ Remove Uranium ✔ Remove Chromium
✔ Remove Coliform ✔ Remove Radium
✔ Remove Cryptosporidium ✔ Remove Disinfectant byproducts ✔ Remove Arsenic
✔ Remove Pesticides ✔ Remove Solvents and Microbial Contaminants

Inline Self Cleaning Technology - Minimize costs in municipal water treatment, sewage water treatment, manufacturing factories with inline self-cleaning high flow water filters that don't require to change any filter cartridges for 10 years!
Low Energy Consumption
High Performing Efficiency
Sustainable Production
Industrial Water Filter suitable for the areas include -
Hydroelectric power production
Automotive manufacturers
Paper manufacturing factories
Food and beverage industries
Chemical processors
Agricultural and irrigation applications
Drinking water treatment
Mining water industries
Petrochemical industries
Wastewater treatment
Dye and Pants industries
Pharmaceutical water treatment among others
all Now : +7 903 254-44-76
water resources are:
★ Surface Water Treatment System: Surface water is water from rivers, lakes or freshwater wetlands, which can be treated using different methods, such as Nano Filtration Systems, UV Water Filter & Magnetic Water Softener & Conditioner.
★ Desalination Water Treatment System: Desalination can be used for water from the ocean, or sea sources, which can be treated using Seawater Treatment Systems; Desalination Systems.
★ Ground Water Treatment System: Ground Water or brackish water is from water located in the pore space of soil and rock “Borehole well”, which can be treated using Self Cleaning Inline Water Filter Systems, UV Water Sterilizers.
★ Government Mumcipile Water Treatment System: Government water supply, which could have a high level of hardness or a high level of chlorine, can be treated with Water Softener Systems, Water Filters.
Why Nano Water Filter System is Better Than Other Company?
# ZERO Maintenance # NO Electricity Required
# 10 YEAR Guarantee #Self Cleaning Filter # EASY To Clean Filter Without Any Help # Protect Disease
# Good Health # High Energy Level
# Good Taste # Better Smell
# Scale Prevention # Silver NanoParticles Technology
Domestic Water Filter - Commercial Water Filter - Industrial Water Filter - Agriculture Water Filter - Livestock Water Filter
Nano Water Filter - Self Cleaning Water Filter - Main Inline Water Filter - UV Water Filter - Magnetic Structured Water Device
The main advantages of using our filters for Industrial use:
1. High-performance filtration (not below 1st class of purity of the liquids according to GOST 17216-71 RU
• Filters FS series work without replacement of cartridges
• The mechanism of self-cleaning and "mirror" filter element allows you to effectively
clean the filter, ensuring reliable operation for long periods of time.
• A large economic effect in closed cycles of water treatment.
• Does not require complex maintenance, expensive preventive control, the addition of
chemical reagents and does not consume electricity.
2. An increase in the lifetime of all kinds of filters, ion exchange columns, etc.
• Saving all kinds of energy in systems of heating and cooling by improving heat transfer.
• Prevention of hydro carbonate deposits of hardness salts on the walls of the piping and radiator systems.
SERUS Company: SERUS is a Russian based manufacturing company headquartered in the capital of Moscow. Our company is a group of inventors, engineers and scientists that have been dedicating over 20 years to making unique products such as using nanosilver particles for water filtration cartridges, cartridges that last 10 years, magnetic water structuring with amber and rhinestone and so on. With 43 total patents in new innovative technologies, we will always stay ahead and provide the best solutions for worldwide problems in all industries.
At SERUS we are dedicated to researching and developing new technologies that will benefit our customers in all fields such as residential, commercial and industrial solutions. SERUS provides products that have science and logic behind them which are built to last and satisfy our customers. We believe that every customer is different and has different needs and wants and should have a customized solution to his problem.
Self Cleaning Inline Nano Water Filter Products: We believe that a customer should purchase a product use it and enjoy it for the long run, this is why SERUS uses only the best metals for manufacturing that last and are safer than plastic-type products that are chemically produced, break, contaminate and so on. We use the finest metals for manufacturing along with nanosilver, magnetics, amber and rhinestone that are scientifically known for their advantages to humans, animals, plants and industrial solutions.
Shipping: We ship worldwide and have experience in shipping to all continents of the World to over 50 countries. Shipping time depends on the destination country and the type of shipping used such as express mail by plane (for small orders) cargo shipping by Airline (for bigger orders) and shipping containers (for large orders). To find out the timeframe of shipping to your country you can contact us for the estimate, based on the weight of the order and destination country.
Warranty Policy: For our filters, we offer a 10-year warranty. 30-year warranty for magnetic water structures about all other products please contact us for a brief explanation.
Return Policy: The product can surely be returned within 30 days if not satisfied for any reason. How does it work? the day you receive the package the 30 days starts counting if a product you feel that you would like to return within those 30 days send us a tracking number that you have put in the mail.
Why Nano Water Filter System is Better Than Other Company?
# ZERO Maintenance # NO Electricity Required
# 10 YEAR Guarantee #Self Cleaning Filter # EASY To Clean Filter Without Any Help # Protect Disease
# Good Health # High Energy Level
# Good Taste # Better Smell # No Chemicals # Pipe Scale Prevention # Silver Nano Particles Technology