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The main advantage of our filters over other filtration systems is the Self-Cleaning string-membrane filter element. It has the most efficient and reliable design for practical water purification: a body of the filter cartridge is coated with pure nano silver then on the body we use an ultrathin stainless steel string that goes around the filter cartridge frame in a special way on the body of the filter element and a biomagnetic water structurer that is inside of the filter element.
SERUS water filtration systems for water purification has 4 types of cleaning in one filter housing:
1.Mechanical cleaning
2.Bactericidal cleaning
3.Sorption water purification
4.Biomagnetic water treatment

What is Arsenic in water? The presence of arsenic, a toxic element, in water supplies. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element found in the Earth's crust and can be released into water sources through geological processes. It can also enter water supplies as a result of human activities such as mining, industrial discharges, or the use of arsenic-containing pesticides.When arsenic contaminates drinking water sources, it poses a significant health risk. Chronic exposure to arsenic in drinking water has been linked to various adverse health effects, including skin lesions, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, and an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as skin, bladder, and lung cancer.Filtrating arsenic from water using a self-cleaning water filter requires a specialized filtration system capable of removing arsenic contaminants. Here's a general overview of the steps involved:Serus self-cleaning water filter system specifically designed for arsenic removal. Our Filters utilize advanced filtration technologies Follow our instructions to install the self-cleaning water filter. This typically involves connecting the filter unit to your main water supply line or integrating it into your existing plumbing system. Make sure to adhere to all safety guidelines and local plumbing codes.Perform Regular Maintenance: Self-cleaning water filters require periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for maintenance, which does not include replacing filter cartridges, but activating the self-cleaning function is needed. Regular maintenance is crucial for sustained arsenic removal efficiency.Monitor Water Quality: Regularly monitor the water quality after installing the self-cleaning water filter system. Conduct periodic water tests to assess arsenic levels and verify the effectiveness of the filtration system. This will help you determine if any adjustments or additional measures are required.Follow our Recommendations: Adhere to the instructions regarding filter lifespan, replacement intervals, and any specific requirements for the self-cleaning function. We provide guidelines on the expected filter lifespan and when to replace or regenerate the filter media to maintain optimal arsenic removal efficiency.Ensure Proper Disposal: Disposal of spent filter cartridges or regenerating materials should be carried out according to local regulations and manufacturer guidelines. Arsenic-laden filter media should be handled and disposed of appropriately to prevent environmental contamination.

Sulfate can enter water supplies through various mechanisms:Natural Sources: Sulfate is naturally present in the Earth's crust and can dissolve in water through geological processes. Rainwater or surface water can come into contact with sulfate-containing minerals, such as gypsum or pyrite, and dissolve the sulfate ions.Industrial Activities: Certain industries produce wastewater containing high levels of sulfate. Industries such as mining, metal processing, chemical manufacturing, and oil refining may discharge sulfate-rich effluents into nearby water bodies if not properly treated.Agricultural Practices: The use of sulfate-containing fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture can contribute to sulfate levels in water supplies. Runoff from agricultural fields can carry these substances into rivers, lakes, and groundwater, potentially increasing sulfate concentrations.Urban Runoff: Urban areas with impervious surfaces like roads, parking lots, and rooftops can contribute to sulfate in water supplies. Rainwater runoff from these surfaces can pick up sulfate-containing compounds, such as atmospheric deposition from industrial emissions or vehicle exhaust, and transport them into water bodies.Natural Gas and Oil Extraction: Sulfate can be released into water supplies during the extraction of natural gas and oil. Processes like hydraulic fracturing (fracking) can lead to the mobilization of naturally occurring sulfates and other chemicals present in underground formations, potentially impacting nearby water sources.Geological Characteristics: Certain geological formations may contain naturally high levels of sulfate. If water sources come into contact with these formations, they can dissolve and carry sulfate ions into the water supplies.It is worth noting that sulfate itself is generally not harmful to human health at typical levels found in water supplies. However, elevated sulfate concentrations can affect the taste, odor, and aesthetic qualities of water. Additionally, sulfate-reducing bacteria can thrive in water with high sulfate content, leading to the production of hydrogen sulfide, which can cause odor issues.To ensure safe and aesthetically pleasing water supplies, monitoring sulfate levels, implementing appropriate wastewater treatment measures, and promoting responsible agricultural and industrial practices are crucial.

Nitrate can enter water supply sources through various pathways:Agricultural Runoff: Nitrate is commonly found in fertilizers used in agricultural practices. When farmers apply fertilizers to their fields, excess nitrogen can be washed away by rain or irrigation water, leading to nitrate runoff into nearby water bodies or seeping into groundwater.Animal Waste: Livestock operations, such as concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) or large-scale farms, generate significant amounts of animal waste. The manure from these operations contains nitrogen compounds, including nitrate. Improper management of animal waste, such as inadequate storage or disposal, can result in nitrate leaching into the surrounding soil and eventually contaminating water sources.Septic Systems: Improperly designed, installed, or maintained septic systems can be a source of nitrate contamination. If septic systems are located too close to groundwater sources or if they malfunction, nitrate from wastewater can seep into the ground and contaminate groundwater.Industrial Activities: Certain industrial processes, such as manufacturing, mining, and chemical production, can contribute to nitrate contamination. Wastewater discharged from these industries may contain high levels of nitrate, and if not properly treated, it can find its way into water supplies.Landfills and Waste Disposal Sites: Landfills and waste disposal sites, especially those that handle organic waste or wastewater treatment sludge, can release nitrate into the surrounding soil and groundwater. Leachate from these sites can contain elevated levels of nitrate, which may eventually reach water supply sources.Atmospheric Deposition: Nitrate can also enter water supplies through atmospheric deposition. Nitrogen compounds released into the atmosphere from sources like industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and agricultural activities can be carried by rain or snow and deposited into water bodies.It's important to note that nitrate itself is not harmful, but when it exceeds safe drinking water standards, it can pose health risks, particularly to infants and pregnant women. To ensure safe water supplies, proper management of agricultural practices, effective wastewater treatment, and regular monitoring of water sources are necessary to mitigate nitrate contamination.

To eliminate, decrease, and control phosphate levels in water using Serus self-cleaning water filter, follow these steps:Assess Phosphate Levels: Determine the phosphate content in your water source by conducting a water test or referring to the water quality report. This will help you understand the severity of the phosphate contamination.Install the Water Filter System: Follow the instructions to install the self-cleaning water filter system. Typically, this involves connecting the filter unit to your main water supply line or installing it under the sink.Perform Regular Maintenance: Serus Self-cleaning water filters require periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Follow the guidelines for maintenance, which does not include replacing filter cartridge. Activating the self-cleaning function is required. Regular maintenance prevents clogging and ensures continuous phosphate removal.Monitor and Test Water Quality: Regularly monitor the water quality after installing the self-cleaning water filter. Conduct periodic water tests to assess phosphate levels and verify the effectiveness of the filtration system. This will help you determine if any adjustments or additional measures are required.Consider Source Control: Identify potential sources of phosphate contamination in your environment. This may include fertilizers, detergents, and cleaning products. Implement best practices to minimize phosphate runoff and entry into your water supply, such as proper disposal and using phosphate-free alternatives. Seek Our Professional Advice: If your water supply has high phosphate levels or if you require specialized treatment, consult a water treatment professional. We can evaluate your specific situation and recommend appropriate filtration or treatment options.Stay Informed and Up-to-Date: Stay informed about the latest advancements in water filtration technology and phosphate removal techniques. Regularly check for updates from reputable sources, attend workshops or seminars, and consult experts in the field to ensure you have the most effective solutions for eliminating, decreasing, and controlling phosphate in your water supply.By following these steps and utilizing a self-cleaning water filter system, you can effectively reduce and control phosphate levels in your water, promoting cleaner and healthier water for various purposes.

  • Food & Beverage Production
  • Alcohol & Drink Production
  • Food & Beverage Services
  • Service Industries
  • School & University Campus Water Filtration
  • Government & Municipal Water Filtration Applications
  • Large Multi-Residential Buildings
  • Small Residential Building
  • Plants & Manufacturing Water Filtration
  • Medical & Lab Water Filtration Systems
  • Mining, Gas, and Oil
  • Agriculture Water Filtration
  • Livestock Water Filtration


What do doctors, scientists and professors around the world have to say about structured water treatment?

Clean filtered water with nanotechnology water filter system for home,commercial & Industrial use.



2020 World Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology26 March 2020 09:00 - 27 March 2020 18:00, Madrid, SpainWorld Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology is scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain on 26–27 March 2020. Materials Science 2020 aims to bring together materials scientists, materials engineers, materials researchers, chemists, professors, directors & co-directors, assistant professors, associate professors, emeritus faculty, lecturers, research scholars and students from all over the world to share their knowledge. Materials Science 2020 provides a global platform to showcase and discuss recent innovations in the field of materials research and nanotechnology. It also provides a great opportunity to network with peers, discover new products and services from vendors and sponsors and discover new solutions by interacting with peers physically.Materials Science 2020 aims to bring together all the Materials Scientists, Materials Engineers, Materials Researchers, Chemists, Professors, Directors & Co-Directors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Emeritus Faculty, Lecturers,  Research Scholars and Students from all over the world to share their knowledge. Materials Science 2019 provides a global platform to showcase and discuss recent innovations in the field of Materials Research and Nanotechnology. It also provides a great opportunity to network with peers, discover new products and services from vendors and sponsors and discover new solutions by interacting with peers physically. The theme of the conference is "To discuss the latest advancements in Materials Research and Nanotechnology".World Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology is scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain on March 26-27, 2020. Materials Science 2020 aims to bring together all the Materials Scientists, Materials Engineers, Materials Researchers, Chemists, Professors, Directors & Co-Directors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Emeritus Faculty, Lecturers,  Research Scholars and Students from all over the world to share their knowledge. Materials Science 2020 provides a global platform to showcase and discuss recent innovations in the field of Materials Research and Nanotechnology. It also provides a great opportunity to network with peers, discover new products and services from vendors and sponsors and discover new solutions by interacting with peers physically. The theme of the conference is “To discuss the latest advancements in Materials Research and Nanotechnology“.Key SessionsMaterials ResearchComputational Materials ScienceEmerging technologies in Materials ScienceBiomaterials and NanomaterialsComposite MaterialsCeramics and PolymersMaterials Synthesis and ProcessingApplications of Advanced MaterialsSemiconductors, Alloys, and MetallurgyGlass Science and TechnologiesMetallic and Organic MaterialsAdvances in Graphene Research and 2D MaterialsMagnetic MaterialsEmerging Smart MaterialsNanotechnology in MedicineNanotechnology in EngineeringFuture of NanotechnologyBenefits and Applications of NanotechnologySpin Electronics, Amphiphilic materialsSuperconductors and Advanced Engineering PolymersBiomedical devices and 3D PrintingCatalysis ChemistryWorld Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology 2020World Summit on Materials Science & Nanotechnology2020 World Summit on Materials Science and NanotechnologyWorld Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnologyadvanced materials conference 2020international conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology 2020materials chemistry conferences 2020https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/40232/world-summit-on-materials-science-and-nanotechnology


World Congress onNano Science, Nanotechnology & Advanced MaterialsTheme: Nanotechnology Inventions- the Trend to Build Smart FutureApril 20-21, 2020Dubai, UAERoles & Responsibilities:Welcome to suggest any tracks/sessions of the conference in order to enhance the Conference smooth functioning.Welcome you to be an honorable guest during the opening ceremonyYou may coordinate a session as a Scientific advisor and review the abstracts submitted to that particular session in order to make the event more effective.You can act as chair /co-chair for interested sessionTo suggest the potential Eminent scientists/Industrialists to highlight the conference which plays a vital role in organizing an event.Refer the names of potential contacts for obtaining Sponsors and ExhibitorsRequired suggestions to increase the participation in poster presentation session/workshops.Responsible to finalize the agenda of the congressManage as a Evaluator of poster sessionBenefits:Organizing Committee member will be felicitated with Certificate and a memento during the conferenceWe will include inserts (provided by you) in the conference delegate bagsWe will include your University/Institution logo in the conference banners.OCM name and photograph will be displayed in conference websiteDiscount on registration fee to the group suggested by youSpecial interactive sessions will be provided, if you are attending with your research teamPromotion for your own labs/Research team will be feasibleworld congress on nanoscience nanotechnology and advanced materialsinternational congress on nanoscience nanotechnology and advanced materialsinternational conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology 2020materials research and nanotechnologynanotechnology and advanced material science impact factornanotechnology conferences 2020international conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology 2020 nanotechnology conference 2020https://aip.org.au/event/world-congress-on-nanoscience-nanotechnology-and-advanced-materials/


WWEM 2020 – Water, Wastewater and Environmental MonitoringThe leading Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring Conference and ExhibitionWWEM , The 9th in the Series of Water and Wastewater Monitoring events will be held in November 2020. WWEM will focus on instruments and services for water and wastewater process monitoring, laboratory analysis, field and portable testing. WWEM will include an exhibition of over 150 companies who provide instruments, equipment and services to monitor, test and analyse water and wastewater plus over 80 free CPD Certified technical workshop sessions on applications, case studies and new technologies.In 2020 WWEM will again run side by side AQE 2020 (The 11th International Conference and Exhibition on Air Quality and Emissions Monitoring). Visitors to WWEM and AQE will be able enter both these complementary events free of charge and will now benefit from attending two industry shows at one time under one roof showing a full range of products and services for Environmental monitoring.Benefits of Attending:Gain insights from leading experts on current and future regulationMeet with over 150 major instrument manufacturers and suppliers under one roof at one time over the two day showSource equipment, Services and Instruments, Compare prices, products, services and technologyAttend free CPD certified technical workshops and presentationsFind out first about new product launchesOverviews of future technology innovationsNetworking with key decision makers, regulators, suppliers from across all industry sectorsFree entry to the Co-hosted AQE exhibition on Air Quality and Air Emission Monitoring and ControlFree Lunches and Free onsite parking for all attendeesWWEM - Water Wastewater And Environmental Monitoring 2020Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring 2020WWEM - International Conference and Exhibition on WaterWater and Wastewater Monitoring Conference, Exhibitionwwem telford 2020water quality conference 2020wastewater treatment conference 2020wastewater conference 2020water exhibition 2020water conferences ukhttps://www.ilmexhibitions.com/wwem/


Products      DOCTOR QUANT           SERUSUV-3A UV Ultraviolet disinfectant-sterilizer          SERUSUV-60A UV Ultraviolet disinfectant-sterilizer          SERUS LLC DESALTER WATER DESALINATION          Structured water device for 40,000 LPH          SERUSUV-10A UV Ultraviolet disinfectant-sterilizer                     Application      dentists & orthodontists Water Filters Solutions          Restaurants Water Filter Solutions          Large Multi-Residential Water Filtration Systems          Casting Water Filters Solutions          Hydraulic Mining Water Filter Solutions          Energy Water Filters Solutions