Magnetic Structured Water Device For Home Agriculture Industrial

What is magnetic structured water and its basic history?We proceed to familiarize ourselves with the definitions. Living water, or according to other sources magnetized, is called water with a changed structure. Moreover, the composition of the water itself has not changed, but the structure is as close as possible to natural water. All the necessary elements were lined up in the direction of the lines of force.What is the secret of such a structure? Planet Earth is one big magnet. Naturally, any water in its natural state will have a structure magnetized by the natural field of the earth. What gives such an impact? Here you can draw a parallel - in the pool it is not so interesting to swim as in a lake or sea, and drinking water from a spring is also tastier than from a tap. That is, all these magnetic fields are extremely useful, and this is confirmed by nature itself. So the first myth on the topic of magnetic water was dispelled, is it a lie or a truth.Scientists have argued about the benefits or harms of magnetism for more than a century. A thorough debate spread out and began to deal with it closely in the middle of the 20th century.For human health, all the advantages of living water can be reduced to such a list:• Higher oxygen count;• Hydrogen is more active;• The composition of minerals does not change;• The amount of nitrogen in the water is reduced;• Increase in crystallization centersAnother myth about magnetic water is the lack of a positive effect on the human body. Here, everything looks quite the opposite. Magnetism increases the activity of body cells, forcing them to move and fight. You don’t have to go far for example. Anyone traveling somewhere in the village to his grandparents to heal swim in a local living river. In the city, a person withers away, the body begins to malfunction without contact with natural living water.If you operate with numbers, then living water helps to reduce the harmful external effects on humans by 50 percent. This is the second myth about the benefits and harms of magnetic water debunked. There is such a procedure even in hospitals - magneto therapy. It helps to alleviate many diseases.The table shows the possible treatment options for natural living water.Type of water Diseases that it helps to fight Living1. Obesity (lowers cholesterol)2. Normalizes the course of atherosclerosis3. Promotes pressure normalization4. Helps treat kidneys and liver (sand and stones do not form)5. Stomach problems (improves digestion)6. Dermatology (eczema, plaque heals)7. Dental problems - stomatitis, dermatitis, tartar8. HeadachesBy its effect on the human body, living water strongly resembles seawater. It also helps to cope with dermatology and normalize the pressure. That is, myth number three about the lack of a positive visual effect in the short term is also dispelled. Why Nano Water Filter System is Better Than Other Company?# ZERO Maintenance # NO Electricity Required# 10 YEAR Guarantee #Self Cleaning Filter # EASY To Clean Filter Without Any Help # Protect Disease # Good Health # High Energy Level# Good Taste  # Better Smell # Scale Prevention # Silver NanoParticles Water TechnologyContact Us For Latest Phone: +7-977-807-0973Another myth about the inability to get living water at home Another very common rumor and a lie is the inability to get magnetic living water at home. According to the subparagraph, the editors tried to expand the procedure for obtaining such water. The answer to the question is magnetic water: myth or reality is ready.First, you can get water using a special washer with specific magnetic properties. Such a device is most convenient for its size, it costs little and costs nothing during use.But it has a very specific shtetl effect. With such a pill, even a glass of water is difficult to make alive. It will take at least an hour. So the myths about the influence of magnetic stone, tablets flowed, apparently from the work of such low-power magnetic water converters. In addition, such a tablet very quickly loses its magnetic properties.The second option to provide yourself with live water is to purchase a magnetic water filter. Everything is clear here, it’s not difficult to read the pros and cons of work. The information on the same Internet is the sea. True, first-generation filters required an earthing point, and the risk of current damage was quite high.They were replaced by blocks such as the Aqua-shield electromagnetic softener with a powerful effect on water. Such a device is able to independently provide the whole house with living water. The main thing is to choose the right softener power. In addition, devices of this kind can also be found without connecting to a network. All devices of this group have a long service life. And they do not need to be serviced, which is extremely important for consumers. When you dangle at work all day, coming home from her, you simply don’t have any strength for any other movements.At the same time, systems do not have operational wastes; they are environmentally safe and durable. Just like simple magnetic water softeners remove old deposits from surfaces.It turns out when people ask themselves the question - magnetic water, is it a lie or a truth, first of all, one should focus on the facts and what they saw with their own eyes. If the consumer himself uses such devices or saw how it works with a neighbor, then this will be the basis for an opinion. In this case, it will be as independent and effective as possible.As for other myths about living water. Then mankind showed all the riot of his imagination. Every producer storiesmagnetic structured water device system united states united kingdom,  magnetic water benefits, magnetic structured home water system price,  water imploding machine for agriculture,  water imploding machine UK,  water imploding machine for sale, Mechanism Of Magnetic Structuring, Magnetic structured water device for home, Magnetic structured water device for  municipal, Magnetic structured water device for industrial,  Magnetic structured water device for agriculture crop farming

Magnetic Water Treatment Devices | Magnetic Water Softener & Condition

Magnetic Structured Water Device For Home Use Magnetic Water Treatment Devices | Magnetic Water Softener & Conditioners | Water Revitalisation SystemStructured water device (ideal for connection to showerhead at home)Connection size 1/2 "(DN15)Productivity 1-1.5 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.05 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPaThe maximum temperature is + 95 ° CApproximate Weight 0.5 kgThe magnetic-structured water-based device is designed for protection against scale and deposits in heating appliances, water softening, conversion of soluble iron to iron oxide and further removal from the water.It is intended for protection against scale and deposits, suppression of biofouling in:- hot water boilers, heat exchangers, boilers, heating systems, steam generators- technological and industrial equipment in production- HVS and HVS systems of industrial buildings and industrial premises- swimming pools, water parks, decorative ponds, SPA- washing machines and dishwashers, water heaters, plumbing- whole house structured water unit device Nano filter Solution provides Clean filtered water with the help of a nanotechnology water filter system for Domestic, Agriculture, Animal Farming, Industrial Water requirements. Bulk Supplier of Self-Cleaning Water Filter System.Other Products-Buy Structured Water Device for Domestic UseBuy Structured Water Device for Agriculture UseBuy Structured Water Device for Animal Farming UseBuy Structured Water Device for Industrial Use

Magnetic Water Softener & Conditioners | Magnetic Water Treatment Devi

Structured Water Device For 1,000 LPH Magnetic Water Softener & Conditioners | Magnetic Water Treatment Devices Filter 1000 Liter Of Water Per HourConnecting size 1 "(DN25)Productivity 1 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.1 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPaThe maximum temperature is + 95 ° CApproximate Weight 1 kgDesign: The case of magnetic structured water device is made in the form of a pipe made of non-magnetic stainless steel (analogue AISI 304) and is characterized by high indicators of corrosion resistance and ability to withstand temperature differences. In this case, there is a magnetic element made of rare-earth neodymium alloys. The main component of the water converter is a cylindrical magnetic element that creates an axially symmetric poly gradient magnetic field. Due to the topography of the field in the magnetic system, high efficiency of the action of the magnetic field on the water is achieved.Operating Principle: As a result of magnetic treatment, physical and chemical processes occur. This leads to the release of impurities that begin to interact with each other. Calcium ions form microcrystals, but they do not form scaling but remain in the water column, then they are carried to the drainage. They formed early scum is destroyed, as calcium ions break away from it and join the microcrystals. Thus, the old scale is washed away from the surface of the pipes or any heating devices.To protect the equipment from corrosion, a thin oxide film forms on the surfaces of the pipes over time. Mounting of SERUS magnetic water structured device. Magnetic water structured devices can be used alone or as part of the water treatment systems. It is installed on both cold and hot pipelines (vertically or horizontally).Advantages of SERUS magnetic water structured device-high efficiency of magnetic water treatment-complete protection of equipment from scale-use of multipolar magnetic systems-environmentally friendly method-protection against scale and corrosion without chemical reagents-no of consumption-no interchangeable parts-no maintenance is required-long service life (more than 30 years)-economy-small dimensions-easy installationAbout structured water treatment: The physical effect of the magnetic field on the structure of the water and cations of the hardness of the salts opens up wide opportunities for the use of structured magnetic water treatment.Structured magnetic treatment of water is used for many years in various industries, agriculture and medicine. The great prospects for the use of magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, in water due to the crystallization process, and in the course of the crystallization process. To remove from the water difficultly deposited thin suspensions (turbidity) the ability of structured magnetized water to accelerate coagulation (clumping and precipitation) of suspended particles water. Magnetization of water can be used for waterworks with significant turbidity of natural waters. Similar magnetic treatment of industrial wastewater allows quickly and efficiently precipitate fine impurities.Magnetic treatment of water helps not only to prevent the precipitation of scale-forming substances from water but also to significantly reduce the deposits of organic substances, for example, paraffin. Such treatment is useful in the oil industry in the production of high paraffin oil. The most demanded and effective is the magnetic field of carbon dioxide, carbonate, calcium carbonate (MgCO3) 2 and magnesium Mg (HCO3) is formed in the form of steam boilers, heat exchangers and other heat exchangers on internal walls of pipes, with the heating of water decomposing to CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 with the release of CO2, sulfate CaS04, MgS04, chloride MgS04, MgCI2 and to a lesser extent silicate SiO3 2- of calcium, magnesium and iron.The high content of the salts of Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Fe3 + leads to the loss of the salts of the hardness makes water for the needs of the consumers, and untimely cleaning of the heat exchangers and pipes from the scale, which leads to increased hydraulic resistance. The reduction in the heat exchange equipment. The scale has a coefficient of thermal conductivity that is much lower than the metal from which the heating elements are made, so more time is spent on heating the water. Over time, energy losses can make the heat exchanger work on such water ineffective and completely impossible and can lead to an accident. With a large thickness of the inner layer of scale, water circulation is disturbed in the boiler plants. All these factors lead to the need for repair work, replacement of pipelines and sanitary equipment.In general, magnetic water structuring treatment reduces the corrosion of steel pipes and equipment by 30-50% (depending on the composition of the water), which makes it possible to extend the life of the heat energy equipment, water pipes, and steam pipelines and substantially reduce the accident rate. Magnetic treatment of water in comparison with traditional methods of water softening by ion exchange and reverse osmosis is technologically simple, economical, and environmentally safe. The water is preserved by the magnetic field and does not acquire any side effects that are harmful to human health.The use of other methods and technologies of water treatment is associated with an increase in the use of chemical reagents. In this case, it is necessary to invest additional material costs, change the operating mode of heat devices, apply special chemical reagents, change the salt composition of the treated water, etc. Ion-exchange water softeners use Na + cation exchangers, which are regenerated after captioning with a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). This creates problems for the environment. Water is softened with its deep desalination.The main processes of magnetic processing-with the magnetic treatment of water, affects the water itself, mechanical impurities and ions of the scale-forming salts the and the nature of the physicochemical processes of dissolution and crystallization.-In water that has underground magnetic treatment it changes in hydration of ions, the solubility of salts, ph values are possible which is declared in changes in the chemical reactions.-Structured Magnetic water treatment is a promising dynamically developing direction in modern water treatment for water softening, which causes a lot of accompanying physicochemical effects, the physical nature and the field of application of which are just beginning to be studied.Structured Water Device for Domestic, Structured Water Device for Agriculture, Structured Water Device for Animal Farming, Structured Water Device for Industrial

Magnetic Water Softener | Hard Water Conditioner System

Magnetic Structured water device for 3,000 LPHMagnetic Water Softener | Hard Water Conditioner SystemWater Filter 3000 Liter Of Water Per HourConnecting size 1/4 "(DN32 mm)Productivity 3 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.1 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPaThe maximum temperature is + 95 ° CApproximate Weight 1.6 kgSize 150x40DesignThe case of the magnetic structured water device is made in the form of a pipe made of non-magnetic stainless steel (analogue AISI 304) and is characterized by high indicators of corrosion resistance and ability to withstand temperature differences.In this case, there is a magnetic element made of rare-earth neodymium alloys. The main component of the water converter is a cylindrical magnetic element that creates an axially symmetric poly gradient magnetic field. Due to the topography of the field in the magnetic system, high efficiency of the action of the magnetic field on the water is achieved.Operating PrincipleAs a result of magnetic treatment, physical and chemical processes occur. This leads to the release of impurities that begin to interact with each other. Calcium ions form microcrystals, but they do not form scaling but remain in the water column, then they are carried to the drainage. The formed early scum is destroyed, as calcium ions break away from it and join the microcrystals. Thus, the old scale is washed away from the surface of the pipes or any heating devices.To protect the equipment from corrosion, a thin oxide film forms on the surfaces of the pipes over time. Mounting of SERUS magnetic water structured device. Magnetic water structured devices can be used alone or as part of the water treatment systems. It is installed on both cold and hot pipelines (vertically or horizontally).Advantages of SERUS magnetic water structured device-high efficiency of magnetic water treatment-complete protection of equipment from scale-use of multipolar magnetic systems-environmentally friendly method-protection against scale and corrosion without chemical reagents-no of consumption-no interchangeable parts-no maintenance is required-long service life (more than 30 years)-economy-small dimensions-easy installationAbout structured water treatmentThe physical effect of the magnetic field on the structure of the water and cations of the hardness of the salts opens up wide opportunities for the use of structured magnetic water treatment.Structured magnetic treatment of water is used for many years in various industries, agriculture, and medicine.The great prospects for the use of magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, in water due to the crystallization process, and in the course of the crystallization process. To remove from the water difficultly deposited thin suspensions (turbidity) the ability of structured magnetized water to accelerate coagulation (clumping and precipitation) of suspended particles water. Magnetization of water can be used for waterworks with significant turbidity of natural waters. Similar magnetic treatment of industrial wastewater allows quickly and efficiently precipitate fine impurities.Magnetic treatment of water helps not only to prevent the precipitation of scale-forming substances from water but also to significantly reduce the deposits of organic substances, for example, paraffin. Such treatment is useful in the oil industry in the production of high paraffin oil. The most demanded and effective is the magnetic field of carbon dioxide, carbonate, calcium carbonate (MgCO3) 2, and magnesium Mg (HCO3) is formed in the form of steam boilers, heat exchangers, and other heat exchangers on internal walls of pipes, with the heating of water decomposing to CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 with the release of CO2, sulfate CaS04, MgS04, chloride MgS04, MgCI2 and to a lesser extent silicate SiO3 2- of calcium, magnesium, and iron.The high content of the salts of Ca2 +, Mg2 +, and Fe3 + leads to the loss of the salts of the hardness makes water for the needs of the consumers, and untimely cleaning of the heat exchangers and pipes from the scale, which leads to increased hydraulic resistance. The reduction in the heat exchange equipment.The scale has a coefficient of thermal conductivity is much lower than the metal from which the heating elements are made, so more time is spent on heating the water. Over time, energy losses can make the heat exchanger work on such water ineffective and completely impossible and can lead to an accident. With a large thickness of the inner layer of scale, water circulation is disturbed in the boiler plants. All these factors lead to the need for repair work, replacement of pipelines and sanitary equipment.In general, magnetic water structuring treatment reduces the corrosion of steel pipes and equipment by 30-50% (depending on the composition of the water), which makes it possible to extend the life of the heat energy equipment, water pipes, and steam pipelines and substantially reduce the accident rate. Magnetic treatment of water in comparison with traditional methods of water softening by ion exchange and reverse osmosis is technologically simple, economical, and environmentally safe. The water is preserved by the magnetic field and does not acquire any side effects that are harmful to human health.The main processes of magnetic processing-with the magnetic treatment of water, affects the water itself, mechanical impurities, and ions of the scale-forming salts of the and the nature of the physicochemical processes of dissolution and crystallization.-In water that has underground magnetic treatment it changes in hydration of ions, the solubility of salts, ph values are possible which is declared in changes in the chemical reactions.-Structured Magnetic water treatment is a promising dynamically developing direction in modern water treatment for water softening, which causes a lot of accompanying physicochemical effects, the physical nature and the field of application of which are just beginning to be studied.Now our company is producing modern and highly effective magnetic water treatment devices with permanent multipolar magnets. Which are used in heat power engineering and water treatment.The unquestionable advantages of the magnetic processing by SERUS devices, in contrast to the traditional water softening schemes with the help of ion exchange and reverse osmosis, are the simplicity of the technological scheme, environmental safety, and economy. In addition, the method of magnetic treatment of water does not require any chemical reagents and consequently is environmentally friendly. Our products are used by more than 2000 enterprises in Russia and more than 100 enterprises in other countries. Experience in developing systems of magnetic treatment of water in the production of more than 20 years. Our Magnetic structured water devices come in all different shapes and sizes.Structured Purifier Water Device for Domestic Use, Structured Purifier Water Device for Agriculture Use, Structured Purifier Water Device for Animal Farming Use, Structured Purifier Water Device for Industrial Use

Structured water device for 10,000 LPH

Magnetic Structured water device for 10,000 LPHFilter 10000 Liter Of Water Per HourProductivity 10 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.05 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPaThe maximum temperature is +200 ° CApproximate weight 2 kgSize, mm 250x65Connection size 1 1/2 "(DN40 mm)Magnetic Structured water device for Domestic Agriculture Animal Farming Industrial Price in United States United Kingdom Canada Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Oman Spain Australia Russia India Sweden South Africa Mexico Indonesia Brazil Argentina Iran Iraq Malaysia DenmarkApplication area- water treatment in apartment buildings, cottages and cottage settlements- water treatment in swimming pools- food industry- Agriculture- fish farming- irrigation- chemical industry- Pharmaceuticals- Perfumery- Small businesses, cafes, restaurants, medicine.DesignThe case of the magnetic structured water device is made in the form of a pipe made of non-magnetic stainless steel (analogue AISI 304) and is characterized by high indicators of corrosion resistance and ability to withstand temperature differences.In this case, there is a magnetic element made of rare-earth neodymium alloys.The main component of the water converter is a cylindrical magnetic element that creates an axially symmetric poly gradient magnetic field. Due to the topography of the field in the magnetic system, high efficiency of the action of the magnetic field on the water is achieved.Operating principleAs a result of magnetic treatment, physical and chemical processes occur. This leads to the release of impurities that begin to interact with each other. Calcium ions form microcrystals, but they do not form scaling but remain in the water column, then they are carried to the drainage. The formed early scum is destroyed, as calcium ions break away from it and join the microcrystals. Thus, the old scale is washed away from the surface of the pipes or any heating devices.To protect the equipment from corrosion, a thin oxide film forms on the surfaces of the pipes over time.Mounting of SERUS magnetic water structured deviceMagnetic water the structured devices can be used alone or as part of the water treatment systems. It is installed on both cold and hot pipelines (vertically or horizontally).Advantages of SERUS magnetic water structured device-high efficiency of magnetic water treatment-complete protection of equipment from scale-use of multipolar magnetic systems-environmentally friendly method-protection against scale and corrosion without chemical reagents-no consumption-no interchangeable parts-no maintenance is required-long service life (more than 30 years)-economy-small dimensions-easy installationAbout structured water treatmentThe physical effect of the magnetic field on the structure of the water and cations of the hardness of the salts opens up wide opportunities for the use of structured magnetic water treatment.Structured magnetic treatment of water is used for many years in various industries, agriculture and medicine.The great prospects for the use of magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, in water due to the crystallization process, and in the course of the crystallization process. To remove from the water difficultly deposited thin suspensions (turbidity) the ability of structured magnetized water to accelerate coagulation (clumping and precipitation) of suspended particles water. Magnetization of water can be used for waterworks with significant turbidity of natural waters. Similar magnetic treatment of industrial wastewater allows quickly and efficiently precipitate fine impurities.Magnetic treatment of water helps not only to prevent the precipitation of scale-forming substances from water but also to significantly reduce the deposits of organic substances, for example, paraffin. Such treatment is useful in the oil industry in the production of high paraffin oil. The most demanded and effective is the magnetic field of carbon dioxide, carbonate, calcium carbonate (MgCO3) 2 and magnesium Mg (HCO3) is formed in the form of steam boilers, heat exchangers and other heat exchangers on internal walls of pipes, with the heating of water decomposing to CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 with the release of CO2, sulfate CaS04, MgS04, chloride MgS04, MgCI2 and to a lesser extent silicate SiO3 2- of calcium, magnesium and iron.The high content of the salts of Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Fe3 + leads to the loss of the salts of the hardness makes water for the needs of the consumers, and untimely cleaning of the heat exchangers and pipes from the scale, which leads to increased hydraulic resistance. The reduction in the heat exchange equipment.Scale has a coefficient of thermal conductivity is much lower than the metal from which the heating elements are made, so more time is spent on heating the water. Over time, energy losses can make the heat exchanger work on such water ineffective and completely impossible and can lead to an accident.With a large thickness of the inner layer of scale, water circulation is disturbed in the boiler plants. All these factors lead to the need for repair work, replacement of pipelines and sanitary equipment.In general, magnetic water structuring treatment reduces the corrosion of steel pipes and equipment by 30-50% (depending on the composition of the water), which makes it possible to extend the life of the heat energy equipment, water pipes and steam pipelines and substantially reduce the accident rate.Magnetic treatment of water in comparison with traditional methods of water softening by ion exchange and reverse osmosis is technologically simple, economical and environmentally safe.The water is preserved by the magnetic field and does not acquire any side effects that are harmful to human health.The use of other methods and technologies of water treatment is associated with an increase in the use of chemical reagents. In this case, it is necessary to invest additional material costs, change the operating mode of heat devices, apply special chemical reagents, change the salt composition of the treated water etc.Ion-exchange water softeners use Na + cation exchangers, which are regenerated after cationing with a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). This creates problems for the environment. Water is softened with its deep desalination.However, this method is less common because of the high cost of reverse osmosis.Mechanism of the action of the magnetic field on water and the design of magnetic water treatmentPlease see in more information section main processes of magnetic processing-with the magnetic treatment of water, it affects the water itself, mechanical impurities and ions of the scale-forming salts of the and the nature of the physicochemical processes of dissolution and crystallization.-In water that has underground magnetic treatment it changes in hydration of ions, the solubility of salts, ph values are possible which is declared in changes in the chemical reactions.-Structured Magnetic water treatment is a promising dynamically developing direction in modern water treatment for water softening, which causes a lot of accompanying physicochemical effects, the physical nature and the field of application of which are just beginning to be studied.Now our company are producing modern and highly effective magnetic water treatment devices with permanent multipolar magnets. Which are used in heat power engineering and water treatment.The unquestionable advantages of the magnetic processing by SERUS devices, in contrast to the traditional water softening schemes with the help of ion exchange and reverse osmosis, is the simplicity of the technological scheme, environmental safety and economy. In addition, the method of magnetic treatment of water does not require any chemical reagents and consequently is environmentally friendly.Our products are used by more than 2000 enterprises in Russia and more than 100 enterprises in other countries.Experience in developing systems of magnetic treatment of water in the production of more than 20 years.Our Magnetic structured water devices come in all different shapes and sizes

Structured water device for 20,000 LPH

Magnetic Structured Water Device System for 20,000 LPHMagnetic Structured Water Device for Home and Municipal WaterConnection size 2 "(DN50 mm)Productivity 20 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.05 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPaThe maximum temperature is +195 ° CApproximate weight 3 kgSize, mm 250x80Agriculture  Industrial Price in United States United Kingdom Canada Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Oman Spain Australia Russia India Sweden South Africa Mexico Indonesia Brazil Argentina Iran Iraq Malaysia Denmark

Structured water device for 40,000 LPH

Magnetic Structured Water Device for 40,000 LPHConnection size 2 "(DN50 mm)Productivity 40 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.05 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPaThe maximum temperature is +195 ° CApproximate weight 5 kgSize 320x80Magnetic Structured water device for Domestic Agriculture Animal Farming Industrial Price in United States United Kingdom Canada Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Oman Spain Australia Russia India Sweden South Africa Mexico Indonesia Brazil Argentina Iran Iraq Malaysia DenmarkApplication area- water treatment in apartment buildings, cottages and cottage settlements- water treatment in swimming pools- food industry- Agriculture- fish farming- irrigation- chemical industry- Pharmaceuticals- Perfumery- Small businesses, cafes, restaurants, medicine.DesignThe case of the magnetic structured water device is made in the form of a pipe made of non-magnetic stainless steel (analogue AISI 304) and is characterized by high indicators of corrosion resistance and ability to withstand temperature differences.In this case, there is a magnetic element made of rare-earth neodymium alloys.The main component of the water converter is a cylindrical magnetic element that creates an axially symmetric poly gradient magnetic field. Due to the topography of the field in the magnetic system, high efficiency of the action of the magnetic field on the water is achieved.Operating principleAs a result of magnetic treatment, physical and chemical processes occur. This leads to the release of impurities that begin to interact with each other. Calcium ions form microcrystals, but they do not form scaling but remain in the water column, then they are carried to the drainage. The formed early scum is destroyed, as calcium ions break away from it and join the microcrystals. Thus, the old scale is washed away from the surface of the pipes or any heating devices.To protect the equipment from corrosion, a thin oxide film forms on the surfaces of the pipes over time.Mounting of SERUS magnetic water structured deviceMagnetic water the structured devices can be used alone or as part of the water treatment systems. It is installed on both cold and hot pipelines (vertically or horizontally).Advantages of SERUS magnetic water structured device-high efficiency of magnetic water treatment-complete protection of equipment from scale-use of multipolar magnetic systems-environmentally friendly method-protection against scale and corrosion without chemical reagents-no consumption-no interchangeable parts-no maintenance is required-long service life (more than 30 years)-economy-small dimensions-easy installationAbout structured water treatmentThe physical effect of the magnetic field on the structure of the water and cations of the hardness of the salts opens up wide opportunities for the use of structured magnetic water treatment.Structured magnetic treatment of water is used for many years in various industries, agriculture and medicine.The great prospects for the use of magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, in water due to the crystallization process, and in the course of the crystallization process. To remove from the water difficultly deposited thin suspensions (turbidity) the ability of structured magnetized water to accelerate coagulation (clumping and precipitation) of suspended particles water. Magnetization of water can be used for waterworks with significant turbidity of natural waters. Similar magnetic treatment of industrial wastewater allows quickly and efficiently precipitate fine impurities.Magnetic treatment of water helps not only to prevent the precipitation of scale-forming substances from water but also to significantly reduce the deposits of organic substances, for example, paraffin. Such treatment is useful in the oil industry in the production of high paraffin oil. The most demanded and effective is the magnetic field of carbon dioxide, carbonate, calcium carbonate (MgCO3) 2 and magnesium Mg (HCO3) is formed in the form of steam boilers, heat exchangers and other heat exchangers on internal walls of pipes, with the heating of water decomposing to CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 with the release of CO2, sulfate CaS04, MgS04, chloride MgS04, MgCI2 and to a lesser extent silicate SiO3 2- of calcium, magnesium and iron.The high content of the salts of Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Fe3 + leads to the loss of the salts of the hardness makes water for the needs of the consumers, and untimely cleaning of the heat exchangers and pipes from the scale, which leads to increased hydraulic resistance. The reduction in the heat exchange equipment.The scale has a coefficient of thermal conductivity that is much lower than the metal from which the heating elements are made, so more time is spent on heating the water. Over time, energy losses can make the heat exchanger work on such water ineffective and completely impossible and can lead to an accident.With a large thickness of the inner layer of scale, water circulation is disturbed in the boiler plants. All these factors lead to the need for repair work, replacement of pipelines and sanitary equipment.In general, magnetic water structuring treatment reduces the corrosion of steel pipes and equipment by 30-50% (depending on the composition of the water), which makes it possible to extend the life of the heat energy equipment, water pipes and steam pipelines and substantially reduce the accident rate.Magnetic treatment of water in comparison with traditional methods of water softening by ion exchange and reverse osmosis is technologically simple, economical and environmentally safe.The water is preserved by the magnetic field and does not acquire any side effects that are harmful to human health.The use of other methods and technologies of water treatment is associated with an increase in the use of chemical reagents. In this case, it is necessary to invest additional material costs, change the operating mode of heat devices, apply special chemical reagents, change the salt composition of the treated water etc.Ion-exchange water softeners use Na + cation exchangers, which are regenerated after cationing with a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). This creates problems for the environment. Water is softened with its deep desalination.However, this method is less common because of the high cost of reverse osmosis.Mechanism of the action of the magnetic field on water and the design of magnetic water treatmentPlease see in more information section: main processes of magnetic processing-with the magnetic treatment of water, affects the water itself, mechanical impurities and ions of the scale-forming salts of the and the nature of the physicochemical processes of dissolution and crystallization.-In water that has underground magnetic treatment it changes in hydration of ions, the solubility of salts, ph values are possible which is declared in changes in the chemical reactions.-Structured Magnetic water treatment is a promising dynamically developing direction in modern water treatment for water softening, which causes a lot of accompanying physicochemical effects, the physical nature and the field of application of which are just beginning to be studied.Now our company are producing modern and highly effective magnetic water treatment devices with permanent multipolar magnets. Which are used in heat power engineering and water treatment.The unquestionable advantages of the magnetic processing by SERUS devices, in contrast to the traditional water softening schemes with the help of ion exchange and reverse osmosis, is the simplicity of the technological scheme, environmental safety and economy. In addition, the method of magnetic treatment of water does not require any chemical reagents and consequently is environmentally friendly.Our products are used by more than 2000 enterprises in Russia and more than 100 enterprises in other countries.Experience in developing systems of magnetic treatment of water in the production of more than 20 years.Our Magnetic structured water devices come in all different shapes and sizes

Structured water device for 60,000 LPH

Structured Water Device for 60,000 LPHMagnetic Water For Plants - Magnetic Structured Water Device SystemConnecting size 3 "(DN80)Productivity 60 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.1 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPa or 4 MPaThe maximum temperature is +195 ° CApproximate weight 12 kgSize 380x195Magnetic Structured water device for Domestic Agriculture Animal Farming Industrial Price in United States United Kingdom Canada Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Oman Spain Australia Russia India Sweden South Africa Mexico Indonesia Brazil Argentina Iran Iraq Malaysia DenmarkApplication area- water treatment in apartment buildings, cottages and cottage settlements- water treatment in swimming pools- food industry- Agriculture- fish farming- irrigation- chemical industry- Pharmaceuticals- Perfumery- Small businesses, cafes, restaurants, medicine.DesignThe case of the magnetic structured water device is made in the form of a pipe made of non-magnetic stainless steel (analogue AISI 304) and is characterized by high indicators of corrosion resistance and ability to withstand temperature differences.In this case, there is a magnetic element made of rare-earth neodymium alloys.The main component of the water converter is a cylindrical magnetic element that creates an axially symmetric poly gradient magnetic field. Due to the topography of the field in the magnetic system, high efficiency of the action of the magnetic field on the water is achieved.Operating principleAs a result of magnetic treatment, physical and chemical processes occur. This leads to the release of impurities that begin to interact with each other. Calcium ions form microcrystals, but they do not form scaling but remain in the water column, then they are carried to the drainage. The formed early scum is destroyed, as calcium ions break away from it and join the microcrystals. Thus, the old scale is washed away from the surface of the pipes or any heating devices.To protect the equipment from corrosion, a thin oxide film forms on the surfaces of the pipes over time.Mounting of SERUS magnetic water structured deviceMagnetic water the structured devices can be used alone or as part of the water treatment systems. It is installed on both cold and hot pipelines (vertically or horizontally).Advantages of SERUS magnetic water structured device-high efficiency of magnetic water treatment-complete protection of equipment from scale-use of multipolar magnetic systems-environmentally friendly method-protection against scale and corrosion without chemical reagents-no consumption-no interchangeable parts-no maintenance is required-long service life (more than 30 years)-economy-small dimensions-easy installationAbout structured water treatmentThe physical effect of the magnetic field on the structure of the water and cations of the hardness of the salts opens up wide opportunities for the use of structured magnetic water treatment.Structured magnetic treatment of water is used for many years in various industries, agriculture and medicine.The great prospects for the use of magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, in water due to the crystallization process, and in the course of the crystallization process. To remove from the water difficultly deposited thin suspensions (turbidity) the ability of structured magnetized water to accelerate coagulation (clumping and precipitation) of suspended particles water. Magnetization of water can be used for waterworks with significant turbidity of natural waters. Similar magnetic treatment of industrial wastewater allows quickly and efficiently precipitate fine impurities.Magnetic treatment of water helps not only to prevent the precipitation of scale-forming substances from water but also to significantly reduce the deposits of organic substances, for example, paraffins. Such treatment is useful in the oil industry in the production of high paraffin oil. The most demanded and effective is the magnetic field of carbon dioxide, carbonate, calcium carbonate (MgCO3) 2 and magnesium Mg (HCO3) is formed in the form of steam boilers, heat exchangers and other heat exchangers on internal walls of pipes, with the heating of water decomposing to CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 with the release of CO2, sulfate CaS04, MgS04, chloride MgS04, MgCI2 and to a lesser extent silicate SiO3 2- of calcium, magnesium and iron.The high content of the salts of Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Fe3 + leads to the loss of the salts of the hardness makes water for the needs of the consumers, and untimely cleaning of the heat exchangers and pipes from the scale, which leads to increased hydraulic resistance. The reduction in the heat exchange equipment.The scale has a coefficient of thermal conductivity is much lower than the metal from which the heating elements are made, so more time is spent on heating the water. Over time, energy losses can make the heat exchanger work on such water ineffective and completely impossible and can lead to an accident.With a large thickness of the inner layer of scale, water circulation is disturbed in the boiler plants. All these factors lead to the need for repair work, replacement of pipelines and sanitary equipment.In general, magnetic water structuring treatment reduces the corrosion of steel pipes and equipment by 30-50% (depending on the composition of the water), which makes it possible to extend the life of the heat energy equipment, water pipes and steam pipelines and substantially reduce the accident rate.Magnetic treatment of water in comparison with traditional methods of water softening by ion exchange and reverse osmosis is technologically simple, economical and environmentally safe.The water is preserved by the magnetic field and does not acquire any side effects that are harmful to human health.The use of other methods and technologies of water treatment is associated with an increase in the use of chemical reagents. In this case, it is necessary to invest additional material costs, change the operating mode of heat devices, apply special chemical reagents, change the salt composition of the treated water etc.Ion-exchange water softeners use Na + cation exchangers, which are regenerated after cationing with a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). This creates problems for the environment. Water is softened with its deep desalination.However, this method is less common because of the high cost of reverse osmosis.Mechanism of the action of the magnetic field on water and the design of magnetic water treatmentPlease see in more information section: main processes of magnetic processing-with the magnetic treatment of water, affects the water itself, mechanical impurities and ions of the scale-forming salts the and the nature of the physicochemical processes of dissolution and crystallization.-In water that has underground magnetic treatment it changes in hydration of ions, the solubility of salts, ph values are possible which is declared in changes in the chemical reactions.-Structured Magnetic water treatment is a promising dynamically developing direction in modern water treatment for water softening, which causes a lot of accompanying physicochemical effects, the physical nature and the field of application of which are just beginning to be studied.Now our company are producing modern and highly effective magnetic water treatment devices with permanent multipolar magnets. Which are used in heat power engineering and water treatment.The unquestionable advantages of magnetic processing by SERUS devices, in contrast to the traditional water softening schemes with the help of ion exchange and reverse osmosis, are the simplicity of the technological scheme, environmental safety, and economy. In addition, the method of magnetic treatment of water does not require any chemical reagents and consequently is environmentally friendly.Our products are used by more than 2000 enterprises in Russia and more than 100 enterprises in other countries.Experience in developing systems of magnetic treatment of water in the production of more than 20 years.Our Magnetic structured water devices come in all different shapes and sizes

Magnetic Structured water device for 100,000 LPH

Structured Water Device Filter - FS100: Filter 10,00,00 Liter Of Water Per Hour (LPH)Magnetic Structured Water Device Filter - Nano Water Filter SolutionConnection size 5 "(DN125)Productivity of 160-250 m3 per hourThe minimum water pressure is 0.1 MPaThe maximum water pressure is 1.6 MPa or 4 MPaThe maximum temperature is +200 ° CApproximate weight 26 kgSize 450x245" PRODUCTS TYPE "Nano Water Filter - Self Cleaning Water Filter - Main Inline Water Filter - UV Water Filter - Magnetic Structured Water DeviceWhy Nano Water Filter System is Better Than Other Company?# ZERO Maintenance # NO Electricity Required# 10 YEAR Guarantee #Self Cleaning Filter # EASY To Clean Filter Without Any Help # Protect Disease # Good Health # High Energy Level# Good Taste  # Better Smell # Scale Prevention # Silver NanoParticles Water TechnologyContact Us For Latest Phone: +7-977-807-0973Application area- water treatment in apartment buildings, cottages, and cottage settlements- water treatment in swimming pools- food industry- Agriculture- fish farming- irrigation- chemical industry- Pharmaceuticals- Perfumery- Small businesses, cafes, restaurants, medicine.DesignThe case of the magnetic structured water device is made in the form of a pipe made of non-magnetic stainless steel (analogue AISI 304) and is characterized by high indicators of corrosion resistance and ability to withstand temperature differences.In this case, there is a magnetic element made of rare-earth neodymium alloys.The main component of the water converter is a cylindrical magnetic element that creates an axially symmetric poly gradient magnetic field. Due to the topography of the field in the magnetic system, high efficiency of the action of the magnetic field on the water is achieved.Operating principleAs a result of magnetic treatment, physical and chemical processes occur. This leads to the release of impurities that begin to interact with each other. Calcium ions form microcrystals, but they do not form scaling but remain in the water column, then they are carried to the drainage. They formed early scum is destroyed, as calcium ions break away from it and join the microcrystals. Thus, the old scale is washed away from the surface of the pipes or any heating devices.To protect the equipment from corrosion, a thin oxide film forms on the surfaces of the pipes over time.Mounting of SERUS magnetic water structured deviceMagnetic water structured devices can be used alone or as part of the water treatment systems. It is installed on both cold and hot pipelines (vertically or horizontally).Advantages of SERUS magnetic water structured device-high efficiency of magnetic water treatment-complete protection of equipment from scale-use of multipolar magnetic systems-environmentally friendly method-protection against scale and corrosion without chemical reagents-noof consumption-no interchangeable parts-no maintenance is required-long service life (more than 30 years)-economy-small dimensions-easy installationAbout structured water treatmentThe physical effect of the magnetic field on the structure of the water and cations of the hardness of the salts opens up wide opportunities for the use of structured magnetic water treatment.Structured magnetic treatment of water is used for many years in various industries, agriculture, and medicine.The great prospects for the use of magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, magnesium, in water due to the crystallization process, and in the course of the crystallization process. To remove from the water difficultly deposited thin suspensions (turbidity) the ability of structured magnetized water to accelerate coagulation (clumping and precipitation) of suspended particles water. Magnetization of water can be used for waterworks with significant turbidity of natural waters. Similar magnetic treatment of industrial wastewater allows quickly and efficiently precipitate fine impurities.Magnetic treatment of water helps not only to prevent the precipitation of scale-forming substances from water but also to significantly reduce the deposits of organic substances, for example, paraffin. Such treatment is useful in the oil industry in the production of high paraffin oil. The most demanded and effective is the magnetic field of carbon dioxide, carbonate, calcium carbonate (MgCO3) 2, and magnesium Mg (HCO3) is formed in the form of steam boilers, heat exchangers, and other heat exchangers on internal walls of pipes, with the heating of water decomposing to CaCO3 and Mg (OH) 2 with the release of CO2, sulfate CaS04, MgS04, chloride MgS04, MgCI2 and to a lesser extent silicate SiO3 2- of calcium, magnesium, and iron.The high content of the salts of Ca2 +, Mg2 +, and Fe3 + leads to the loss of the salts of the hardness makes water for the needs of the consumers, and untimely cleaning of the heat exchangers and pipes from the scale, which leads to increased hydraulic resistance. The reduction in the heat exchange equipment.The scale has a coefficient of thermal conductivity that is much lower than the metal from which the heating elements are made, so more time is spent on heating the water. Over time, energy losses can make the heat exchanger work on such water ineffective and completely impossible and can lead to an accident.With a large thickness of the inner layer of scale, water circulation is disturbed in the boiler plants. All these factors lead to the need for repair work, replacement of pipelines and sanitary equipment.In general, magnetic water structuring treatment reduces the corrosion of steel pipes and equipment by 30-50% (depending on the composition of the water), which makes it possible to extend the life of the heat energy equipment, water pipes, and steam pipelines and substantially reduce the accident rate.Magnetic treatment of water in comparison with traditional methods of water softening by ion exchange and reverse osmosis is technologically simple, economical, and environmentally safe.The water is preserved by the magnetic field and does not acquire any side effects that are harmful to human health.The use of other methods and technologies of water treatment is associated with an increase in the use of chemical reagents. In this case, it is necessary to invest additional material costs, change the operating mode of heat devices, apply special chemical reagents, change the salt composition of the treated water, etc.Ion-exchange water softeners use Na + cation exchangers, which are regenerated after captioning with a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). This creates problems for the environment. Water is softened with its deep desalination.However, this method is less common because of the high cost of reverse osmosis.Mechanism of the action of the magnetic field on water and the design of magnetic water treatmentPlease see in more information section: main processes of magnetic processing-with the magnetic treatment of water, affects the water itself, mechanical impurities, and ions of the scale-forming salts of the and the nature of the physiochemical processes of dissolution and crystallization.-In water that has underground magnetic treatment it changes in hydration of ions, the solubility of salts, ph values are possible which is declared in changes in the chemical reactions.-Structured Magnetic water treatment is a promising dynamically developing direction in modern water treatment for water softening, which causes a lot of accompanying physicochemical effects, the physical nature and the field of application of which are just beginning to be studied.Now our company is producing modern and highly effective magnetic water treatment devices with permanent multi-polar magnets. Which are used in heat power engineering and water treatment.The unquestionable advantages of magnetic processing by SERUS devices, in contrast to the traditional water softening schemes with the help of ion exchange and reverse osmosis, are the simplicity of the technological scheme, environmental safety, and economy. In addition, the method of magnetic treatment of water does not require any chemical reagents and consequently is environmentally friendly.Our products are used by more than 2000 enterprises in Russia and more than 100 enterprises in other countries.Experience in developing systems of magnetic treatment of water in the production of more than 20 years.Our Magnetic structured water devices come in all different shapes and sizesMagnetic Structured water device for Domestic Agriculture Animal Farming Industrial Price in United States United Kingdom Canada Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Oman Spain Australia Russia India Sweden South Africa Mexico Indonesia Brazil Argentina Iran Iraq Malaysia Denmark

Products      SERUSUV-60A UV Ultraviolet disinfectant-sterilizer          SERUSUV-1A UV Ultraviolet disinfectant-sterilizer          Whole House Water Purification System          SERUSUV-200A UV Ultraviolet disinfectant-sterilizer          Magnetic Structured water device for 100,000 LPH          FS-300 SELF CLEANING INLINE WATER FILTER (300,000 LPH)                     Application      Spas          Large-scale Fountain Beverage Production Water Filters Solutions          Country Clubs Water Filters Solutions          Private Schools Water Filters Solutions          Nightclubs Water Filters Solutions          Surface & Subsurface Mining Water Filter Solutions